Welcome This course provides a brief introduction to the field of educational leadership. You can also access the other courses in this collection: Inclusive education: knowing what we mean and Teamwork: an introduction for school governors.The course considers some of the key issues and concepts ofeducational leadership and, among other things, will discuss what might beconsidered good practice in educational leadership and how capacity forimprovement could be understood and developed.ThisBadged Open Course is part of a collection of training resources for schoolgovernors in Wales. The collection was developed by The Open University inWales with an aim to develop a range of additional skills and reflections thatmay assist you in your role as a governor.
An introduction to leadership for school governors (Wales)
The Open University via OpenLearn
- Write review
- An introduction to leadership for governors
- Introduction
- Learning outcomes
- section11. What is educational leadership?
- 1. What is educational leadership?
- section22. The context of leadership in Wales
- 2. The context of leadership in Wales
- section33. Leadership and school improvement
- 3. Leadership and school improvement
- section44. Types of leadership
- 4. Types of leadership
- section55 Leading professional learning development (PLD)
- 5 Leading professional learning development (PLD)
- section66 Review of your learning
- 6 Review of your learning
- Compulsory badge quiz
- References
- Acknowledgements