Are you studying online? Do you need to use online learning forums as part of your online studies? Do you sometimes feel nervous or anxious about posting your thoughts on an online learning forum? Are you sometimes anxious about what other learners might think of what you post? Are you unsure about the value and benefits of posting to online learning forums? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, this course is designed to support you! Transcript65
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Why is this course important?
- Acknowledgements
- Session1Session 1: Forums as you see them
- Introduction
- 1 What is your experience of using online learning forums?
- 2 Pros and cons of online forums
- 3 Reflecting on student experiences of online learning forums
- 4 Summary of Session 1
- References
- Acknowledgements
- Session2Session 2: Forums as a playful space
- Introduction
- 1 Changing the story of writing
- 2 Thinking about your story of writing
- 3 What is playful writing?
- 3.1 Why is playful writing a good story for forum writing?
- 3.2 Putting messy play into forums
- 4 Making forums into a playful space
- 4.1 Playing with materials
- 4.2 Playing with sections of text
- 4.3 Playing with images
- 4.4 Playing with experiences
- 5 Summary of Session 2
- Acknowledgements
- Session3Session 3: Forums as a space for talking
- Introduction
- 1 Participating in online forums means reading too
- 2 Starting out: introducing yourself on an online learning forum
- 3 Using your time wisely
- 4 Introducing yourself on an online learning forum
- 5 Getting the conversation going: starting your own thread
- 6 Keeping the conversation going – replying to other people
- 7 Keeping the conversation moving forward
- 8 Thinking about the audience
- 9 Summary of Session 3
- References
- Acknowledgements
- Session4Session 4: Forums as a shared social space
- Introduction
- 1 Netiquette
- 1.1 Features of good netiquette
- 2 Managing barriers that may reduce contributions to online forums
- 2.1 Overcoming the barriers to contributing to forums
- 3 Addressing your barriers
- 4 Taking time to respond appropriately
- 5 Reflecting on your learning
- 6 Summary of Session 4
- References
- Acknowledgements