Build essential skills in UI design for websites and mobile apps by mastering composition, typography, color theory, and interactivity. Learn industry-standard tools like Figma, Photoshop, and Illustrator to prepare for a career in UI design.
- Adobe Photoshop Bootcamp
- Learn to retouch photos, create graphics, and more.
- Improve your images by adjusting color, contrast, and more.
- Learn how to prepare images for use on the web, videos, or in print.
- Adobe Illustrator Bootcamp
- Create different types of graphics: logos, icons, patterns, packaging, typography, and much more.
- Learn the Pen tool with our drawing templates. They will help you through the process of creating digital drawings.
- Create vector graphics for web and print.
- Figma Bootcamp
- Create UI (user interface) and UX (user experience) designs for websites, apps, etc.
- Make responsive web designs that are optimized for mobile, tablet, and desktop screens.
- Turn your designs into clickable prototypes that can be shared with clients for feedback, and getting user feedback.
- Graphic Design Portfolio Bootcamp
- Broaden your understanding of graphic design concepts and processes, both formal and conceptual.
- Understand the elements of design and enhance your skill as a designer.
- Develop and expand your portfolio.
- UI Design Bootcamp
- Learn UI design concepts & best practices
- Design webpages and apps with Figma
- Get 1-on-1 help and feedback on your design work so you can learn and improve
- Develop projects for your portfolio to showcase your work as a UIÂ designer
Taught by
Cameron Stevens and Dan Rodney