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Build mobile and desktop apps with .NET MAUI

Microsoft via Microsoft Learn


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  • Module 1: Learn how to use Visual Studio with .NET MAUI to create a cross-platform app.

    In this module, you will:

    • Learn the basic architecture of .NET MAUI.
    • Create .NET MAUI app.
    • Define a shared UI for the platforms supported by .NET MAUI.
    • Deploy a .NET MAUI app from Visual Studio.
    • Dial a number from within the app.
  • Module 2: Learn how to design a UI for a .NET MAUI app using XAML.

    By the end of this module, you'll be able to describe:

    • The benefits of using XAML over defining the UI for a .NET MAUI app in C#.
    • The types available for defining a .NET MAUI app using XAML, and the properties these types expose.
    • How to handle UI events and wire them up in XAML.
    • How to create and use XAML markup extensions.
    • How to set platform-specific values in XAML markup.
  • Module 3: Create consistent user interfaces across different devices by using StackLayout and Grid.

    In this module, you will:

    • Arrange user interface elements in an app and size them
    • Display views in a vertical or horizontal list using StackLayout
    • Display views in rows and columns using Grid
  • Module 4: Learn how to use static and dynamic shared resources to build a MAUI user interface. And see how styles can make the user interface both consistent and accessible.

    By the end of this module, you'll be able to:

    • Create and use static resources in a MAUI XAML user interface
    • Create and use dynamic resources
    • Create a consistent user interface by using styles
    • Create and use application-wide resources
  • Module 5: Use .NET MAUI shell to create multi-page applications with tabs and flyout navigation.

    By the end of this module, you'll be able to:

    • Implement tab navigation with .NET MAUI Shell
    • Navigate between pages within tabbed pages
    • Implement flyout navigation with .NET MAUI Shell
  • Module 6: Consume a REST web service by using HttpClient and perform basic CRUD operations. You will detect when your device is connected to the internet to provide a good user experience and take advantage of the native networking stacks to get top performance.

    In this module, you will:

    • Detect if your device is connected to the internet
    • Consume a REST web service by using HttpClient
    • Take advantage of the native networking stacks while using HttpClient
  • Module 7: Learn how to store and access data held in SQLite using a .NET MAUI app

    In this module, you will:

    • Compare the different data storage options that are available for .NET MAUI applications.
    • Store relational data in a SQLite database.
    • Interact with your database asynchronously to make sure that your UI remains responsive.


  • Module 1: Module 1: Create a cross-platform app with .NET MAUI
    • Introduction
    • Describe the .NET MAUI architecture
    • Create a .NET MAUI project in Visual Studio
    • Exercise: Create your first .NET MAUI app
    • Add visual controls to a .NET MAUI app
    • Exercise: Create the phone number translator app
    • Summary
  • Module 2: Module 2: Create a UI in a .NET MAUI app by using XAML
    • Introduction
    • Benefits of using XAML
    • Types and properties in .NET MAUI XAML
    • Event handling in XAML
    • Exercise: Create your first XAML page
    • XAML markup extensions
    • Platform-specific values in XAML
    • Exercise: Add behavior to your XAML page
    • Summary
  • Module 3: Module 3: Customize layout in .NET MAUI XAML pages
    • Introduction
    • Specify the size of a view
    • Exercise - Explore alignment options
    • Arrange views with StackLayout
    • Exercise - Use StackLayout to build a user interface
    • Arrange views with Grid
    • Exercise - Use Grid to build a user interface
    • Summary
  • Module 4: Module 4: Design consistent .NET MAUI XAML pages by using shared resources
    • Introduction
    • Define and use resources
    • Exercise: Use page-level resources
    • Use and update dynamic resources
    • Exercise: Use dynamic resources to update elements
    • Create a consistent UI by using styles
    • Exercise: Create and apply a style
    • Create and use application-wide resources
    • Exercise: Use application-wide resources
    • Summary
  • Module 5: Module 5: Create multi-page .NET MAUI apps with tab and flyout navigation
    • Introduction
    • Implement flyout navigation
    • Exercise: Implement flyout navigation
    • Implement tab navigation with .NET MAUI Shell
    • Exercise: Implement tab navigation
    • Use tabbed pages with pages on the navigation stack
    • Exercise: Use tabbed pages with navigation pages
    • Summary
  • Module 6: Module 6: Consume REST web services in .NET MAUI apps
    • Introduction
    • Detect network connectivity
    • Consume a REST service with HttpClient
    • Use platform-specific network features
    • Exercise - Consume a REST service with HttpClient
    • Summary
  • Module 7: Module 7: Store local data with SQLite in a .NET MAUI app
    • Introduction
    • Compare storage options
    • Store data locally with SQLite
    • Exercise: Store data locally with SQLite
    • Use SQLite asynchronously
    • Exercise: Use SQLite asynchronously
    • Summary


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