Welcome to the Bovine Mastitis MOOCs series!
As you may know, mastitis is a very costly disease on dairies. It is a complex, multifactorial health problem and, all around the world, a large number of scientists, and their graduate students, are conducting research on this disease.
For that reason, experts from more than 20 countries have decided to work together to produce this series of three MOOC, designed for graduate students, to give them the knowledge they need to initiate their research program. Of course, these MOOCs will also be useful for dairy practitioners, teachers, and for individuals that already have a solid scientific background, and are interested to learn on bovine mastitis.
This first MOOC (of a duration of 15 hours) covers the basic knowledge on the mammary gland and its response to infections. We will discuss, mammary gland anatomy and physiology, immune response, the role of genetics, and pathophysiology, or, if you prefer, the changes occurring in mammary tissues following an infection.
This MOOC will soon be followed by two others MOOCS, that will cover bovine mastitis epidemiology and diagnostic, and finally, mastitis control.
We hope this series of course will answer all your questions and will be useful for your professional development.
Welcome to the first MOOC on "The mammary gland and its response to infection"!
Simon Dufour, DMV, Ph.D.
Professor, Université de Montréal
MOOCs series main designer