Learn how to use WebSocket by building a chat up from scratch.
- What are WebSockets?
- Preview the chat app we will build together
- What you should know
- How to clone the code at any stage
- Create shared datatypes library
- Create the Node.js service
- Create the client Angular application
- Review the project structure
- Add the WebSocket server to Node.js
- Receive your first WebSocket connection
- Manage multiple connected users
- Standardize WebSocket message shape
- Broadcast new chat message to all
- Challenge: Notify all when a new user connects
- Solution: Notify all when a user connects
- A quick look at Angular
- Set up the chat component
- Prototype the chat UI
- Add the connection UI
- Simulate authentication on new connections
- Connect the web app to the socket
- Start chatting
- Challenge: Show notification when user enters or leaves
- Solution: Show notification when user enters or leaves
- Challenge: Show list of connected users
- Solution: Show list of connected users
- Next steps
Taught by
Patrick Siewe