Discover techniques for how to leverage Visio, the Microsoft diagramming app. Learn how to customize options, master text and annotations, use keyboard shortcuts, and more.
- Supercharge Visio with power user tips
- What you should know before watching this course
- Using the exercise files
- Decode Visio versions and editions
- Set Visio options
- Manage the Drawing window
- Manage secondary Visio windows
- Customize the ribbon
- Customize the Quick Access Toolbar
- Use the Developer tab
- Be more selective
- Select with layers
- Zoom and position the drawing page
- Navigate in a multi-page diagram
- Navigate page to page with hyperlinks
- Manage text on shapes
- Insert text display fields
- Annotate diagrams with comments
- Annotate diagrams with callouts
- Master Visio keyboard shortcuts
- Align and size shapes on a page
- Copy, paste, and duplicate shapes
- Understand 1D and 2D shapes
- Control lines and connections
- Manage connectors and connection points
- Use AutoConnect and Quick Shapes
- Dive into data with Visio
Taught by
Scott Helmers