Showcase a space or experience by creating a virtual tour. Learn how to create floor plans, shoot 360° video and photos, and piece together all of your 360° assets to build a tour.
- How do you create virtual tours?
- Meet your instructors
- What are virtual tours?
- Uses for virtual tours
- Platforms for virtual tours
- Taking a walk-through of the location
- Discussing objectives with the client or business
- Creating a floor plan
- Creating a shot list
- Stabilizing the camera with a stand or tripod
- Choosing a VR camera
- Controlling a camera remotely
- Capturing VR content with a smartphone
- Shooting panos with a traditional DSLR or mirrorless camera
- Shooting HDR images with a traditional DSLR or mirrorless camera
- Best time to shoot
- Floor coverage
- Choosing how many images you need
- Shooting images with expanded dynamic range (brackets)
- Capturing VR photos with an Insta360
- Capturing VR video with an Insta360
- Capturing VR photos with a GoPro Fusion
- Capturing VR video with a GoPro Fusion
- General advice on lighting for VR
- Merging a panoramic image with Adobe Photoshop
- Merging a panoramic image with Lightroom Classic
- Merging an HDR image with Aurora HDR
- Merging a 360˚ HDR image with Photomatix Pro
- Enhancing 360˚ images in Lightroom
- Merging a 360˚ image with PTGui
- Fixing and cleaning stitching errors in Photoshop
- Covering the nadir in Photoshop
- Enhancing and stitching 360˚ images from an Insta360
- Enhancing and stitching 360˚ images from a GoPro Fusion
- Importing VR video into Adobe Premiere Pro
- Editing VR video with Adobe Premiere Pro
- Refining VR video with Adobe Premiere Pro
- Exporting VR video from Adobe Premiere Pro
- Importing VR video into Final Cut Pro X
- Editing VR video with Final Cut Pro X
- Refining VR video with Final Cut Pro X
- Exporting VR video from Final Cut Pro X
- Leveling and calibrating images for 360˚ tours in Pano2VR
- Connecting nodes in Pano2VR
- Covering the nadir in Pano2VR
- Publishing for a Website and Google Business View From Pano2VR
- Publishing VR video with YouTube, part 1
- Publishing VR video with YouTube, part 2
- Next steps
Taught by
Richard Harrington and Francis Torres