In this series, learn skills, tools, and techniques to use in your data analysis, along with how to decide which tools to apply in different situations.
New This Week
- Use Copilot to build basic functions in Excel
- Series intro
- Creating unique identifiers between two data sets
- Joining with common data between two unrelated data sets
- Using anti-joins to search for data
- Working with full outer joins
- Normalizing data to achieve a data design
- Model or Merge—and what's the difference?
- Scripting views for SQL databases
- Designing relationships for databases
- Creating a SharePoint back end from a database
- Using functions to mask data
- Creating aggregated datasets
- Using Unpivot to build data sets from survey results
- Cleaning data from a PDF in PowerBI
- Duplicate vs. reference in Power Query
- Cleaning data from a folder of files in PowerBI
- Build conditional functions to make data
- Creating tables and joins to recode data
- Merging data and building basic calculations into a data set
- Using Remove Duplicates to create data sets
- Using union queries to bring together data sets in SQL
- Using append queries to combine spreadsheets
- Using make tables to normalize a denormalized data set
- Building date tables in Power BI/Power Query
- Using joins and update queries to create markers in the data
- Adding data leveraging cross joins
- Using date functions to create follow up data
- Using Remove Duplicates to find the latest or earliest record in Excel
- Leveraging the Advanced Editor in Power Query to share cleaning routines
- Edit visual interactions
- Build letter size for reports using Power BI Desktop
- Build paginated reports
- Use different pivot formats to share stories
- Building a brief for a data project
- Creating simple data sets with basic visuals for presentations
- Basic visualization of cohort data
- Perform basic analysis on datasets
- Using analysis commands built into popular tools
- Basic dates analysis
- Analyzing data using a matrix and conditional formats
- Using Case statements for conditional logic in SQL queries
- Establishing a cohort data set
- Adding additional data to your cohorts
- Analyzing top and bottom scenarios
- Use Copilot in Excel to teach you about the data
Taught by
Robin Hunt