Do you want to become a web developer? Learn about the skills and tools you need to get a job as a front-end, back-end, or full-stack web developer.
- Becoming a web developer
- Types of web developers
- Is the developer life for me?
- How much can I make?
- HTML as the foundation
- CSS for design
- JavaScript for interactivity
- HTTP(S) for connecting
- How the internet works
- Building accessible projects
- Design methodologies
- Development approaches
- Version control
- Server technologies
- Back-end languages
- Developer tools
- Frameworks and libraries
- APIs and services
- What education do I need?
- Traditional education
- Coding bootcamps
- Online learning
- How do developers find jobs?
- The hiring process
- Compensation
- Negotiating the best deal
- Next steps
Taught by
Ray Villalobos
5.0 rating, based on 1 Class Central review
4.7 rating at LinkedIn Learning based on 4668 ratings
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I liked the way content was presented by the instructor. This is suitable for someone who is thinking of becoming a web developer but I also enjoyed.
This is a free certificate course and part of "Become a Software Developer" learning path which also offers free certificate.
Various topics were discussed in less than 2 hours in easy and straight forward way.
This course might not be much relevant for those already in web development are as whatsoever is taught in the course is obvious and people know it if he/she is in this field.