Learn everything you need to know to start building databases with SQL Server.
- Welcome
- What you should know before starting
- Using the exercise files
- Understanding the core concepts of SQL Server 2014
- SQL Server principal editions
- SQL Server additional editions
- Installation prerequisites
- Basic installation
- Advanced installation options
- Using SQL Server Configuration Manager
- Basics of SQL Server Management Studio
- More about SQL Server Management Studio
- Creating a database
- Advanced options of database configuration
- Installing sample database
- Creating a table using Managment Studio
- Understanding data column options
- Creating a table using T-SQL
- Creating relationships between tables
- In memory tables
- What is SQL?
- Basic SELECT statement
- Filtering results with a WHERE clause
- Using wildcards in a WHERE clause
- Sorting results with ORDER BY
- INSERT statements
- UPDATE statements
- DELETE statements
- Creating a view
- Understanding advanced options of views
- Stored procedures
- Parameterized stored procedures
- Built-in functions
- Scalar functions
- Intro to XML
- Writing queries to return XML
- Shredding XML
- Working with XML schemas
- Storing XML
- Overview of backups in SQL Server
- Basic backups
- Basic restore
- Differential backup and restore
- Creating maintenance plans to automate backups
- Adding a cleanup task to a maintenance plan
- Review logs in SQL Server 2014
- Auditing logins
- Using Performance Monitor
- Understanding dynamic management views
- Using DBCC
- Overview of authentication in SQL Server
- Instance-level logins
- Database-level users
- Encrypting data
- Exporting data
- Importing data
- Importing and exporting Unicode data
- Basics of indexes
- Creating an index
- Exploring execution plans
- Next steps
Taught by
Martin Guidry