Learn how to secure your apps and services with Spring Security and extensions such as LDAP, Active Directory, OAuth, and WebFlux.
- Welcome
- What you need to know
- Working with exercise files
- Introduction to Spring Security
- Authentication vs. authorization
- Spring Security projects
- Implementing basic authentication
- In-memory authentication
- JDBC authentication
- Leveraging bcrypt for hashing
- Authorization
- Form-based authentication
- The login page
- The logout page
- Putting it all together
- LDAP for authentication
- Configuring a sample LDAP server
- Implementing LDAP for authentication
- Spring LDAP outside of authentication
- AD vs. LDAP for authentication
- OAuth 2
- Spring and OAuth 2
- Creating an OAuth authorization service
- Creating an OAuth resource service
- Client-side implementations of OAuth 2
- OAuth 2 with third parties
- Introduction to WebFlux security
- WebFlux basic security
- Next steps
Taught by
Frank P Moley III