Trace the evolution of some specific logo trends so you can learn how to predict the future paths current logo trends could take, gaining an edge over your design competition.
- Welcome
- How we map out trends
- Why trend spotting is important
- Trends: Looking back
- Design is evolutionary
- The monoline trend
- History of monoline
- When monoline began to fork off
- Morphing into crests
- Morphing into geodimensional objects
- Morphing into typography
- Where monoline could go to next
- The transparency trend
- History of transparency
- When transparency began to fork off
- Morphing into overlapping objects
- Morphing into geometric dimensional
- Morphing into real life dimensional
- Where transparency could go to next
- Putting this into practice
- Challenge: Predict the trend
- Solution: Predict the trend
- Next steps
Taught by
Bill Gardner