Conceive and execute a sound design for a motion graphics project with Audition CC.
- Welcome
- What can sound design do for me?
- Using the exercise files
- Starting out in Audition
- Strategizing an approach for sound design
- Using markers to spot to picture
- Searching sound effects libraries efficiently
- Adding sounds to the Timeline
- Stretching and shrinking sound effects to picture
- Working with sound in the Waveform Editor
- Using real-time clip effects for sound design
- Reversing and editing clips for effect
- Using real-time track effects for sound design
- Creating motion through sound
- Working with tonal vs. nontonal sounds
- Layering sound for heightened impact
- Spectral filtering for effect
- Sculpting sound from nothing with Doppler and Distortion
- Sculpting sound with Chorus and Guitar Suite
- Building your own custom library
- Mixing techniques
- Exporting from Audition
- Archiving and revision techniques
- Next steps
Taught by
Scott Hirsch