Learn how to build a side hustle and start generating passive income with your creative skills.
- Side hustle strategies for designers
- Dustin's story: The proof is in the pudding
- What is a side hustle?
- What are design resources?
- Ways to sell design resources
- Case study: Successfully selling design resources
- What does selling fonts entail?
- How to make and release your own fonts
- Case studies: Successfully selling fonts
- What are unconventional methods of creating a side income?
- Unconventional methods of creating a side income
- Case study: Unconventional methods of creating a side income
- What does selling knowledge mean?
- Ways to sell knowledge
- Case study: Successfully selling knowledge
- What does selling merchandise involve?
- Ways to sell merchandise
- Case study: Successfully selling merchandise
- Building your passive income strategy
- Final thoughts
Taught by
Dustin Lee