Learn how to automate your testing using the Robot Framework test automation tool.
Robot Framework Test Automation: Level 1 (Selenium)
- About the instructor
- Overview
- Demo
- What is a test automation framework?
- Origin and history
- Features and capabilities
- Robot Framework vs. Selenium
- Installation overview
- Command line and path basics
- Install Python and PIP
- Install Robot Framework and SeleniumLibrary
- Install desired browsers
- Install WebDrivers
- Install PyCharm IDE and Robot plugin
- Create base scripts directory and project
- Navigating and searching your script files
- Overview
- Organizing your project files
- Sections of the script file
- Selenium2Library vs. SeleniumLibrary
- Write test steps: Part 1
- Run the script on different browsers
- Examine the great results files
- Write test steps: Part 2
- Write test steps: Part 3
- Summary
- Overview
- Robot vs. pybot
- Running from PyCharm
- Running from a command window
- Running from a batch file
- Running from the Task Scheduler
- Running on SauceLabs.com browsers
- Running and scheduling from Jenkins
- Running multiple suites
- Running a single test case
- Advanced run options
- Overview
- Preview of the final solution
- Style: Procedural vs. Gherkin
- Introducing user-defined keywords
- Break the script into keywords
- Moving keywords to resource files
- Adding setup and tear down
- Overview of page objects
- Demo: Create a page object
- Increase readability using Gherkin
- Overview
- Preview of the final solution
- Scalar variables
- List variables
- Variable scope
- Passing variables to keywords
- Modify your project with variables
- Supply script input data at runtime
- Overview
- Refactoring page object locators
- Adding quotes for clarity
- Skills recap
- Apply skills: Part 1
- Apply skills: Part 2
- Apply skills: Part 3
- Overview
- Part 1: You do it
- Part 1: I do it
- Part 2: You do it
- Part 2: I do it
- Part 3: You do it
- Part 3: I do it
- Overview
- BuiltIn: Log, verifications, repeat
- Dialogs: Pause for manual steps and data entry
- Operating system: Folders and files
- Database: MS SQL and MySQL
- SeleniumLibrary
- String
- Next steps
Taught by
Bryan Lamb