Learn how to use Python in Excel, a built-in Excel functionality that enables you to test small parts of Python code by creating visuals and running algorithms directly within Excel.
- Introducing the power of Python in Excel
- What you should know
- Enabling Python in Excel
- Breaking down Excel and Python processes
- Leveraging Power Query
- Using the PY Excel function
- Using the XL Excel function and Python variables
- Determining calculation order
- Importing Python libraries into Excel
- Managing errors
- Working with Python objects
- Transforming DataFrame objects
- Challenge: Creating table objects in Excel
- Solution: Creating table objects in Excel
- Introducing AI and machine learning algorithms
- Determining trends for linear regression with Excel functions
- Leveraging Excel Solver for logistic regression
- Determining trends for logistic regression with Python code
- Grouping data with hierarchical clustering
- Grouping data with the K-Means algorithm
- Determining anomalies with anomaly detection algorithms
- Challenge: Running algorithms with Python in Excel
- Solution: Running algorithms with Python in Excel
- Visualizing data
- Leveraging Excel line charts
- Leveraging Excel scatter plots
- Configuring Python in Excel with dynamic parameters
- Creating Python visuals
- Visualizing hierarchical clustering with dendrograms
- Breaking down time series models into components
- Challenge: Comparing time series components to anomalies
- Solution: Comparing time series components to anomalies
- Continuing on with Python in Excel
Taught by
Helen Wall