Become a better PHP programmer, one tutorial at a time. Broaden your understanding of what PHP can do and become a more productive developer, with these tips.
- Welcome
- Round numbers to a specific multiple
- Array dereferencing
- Variable functions
- Build nested unordered lists automatically
- Display a repeating value only once
- Batch convert images to data URIs
- Multiple string replacement and SVGs
- Prevent cross-site script attacks in forms
- Changes to calculations with strings
- Unpacking arrays in PHP 7.1
- User authentication with password hashing
- Set a future date
- Block access to expired member
- Extract complete sentences from start of text
- Prevent email header injection attacks
- Variable variables
- Select files for archiving
- Set a time limit on a session
- Custom sort an array with the spaceship operator
- Understanding the splat operator
- Converting new lines to real paragraphs
- Introducing PHP generators
- Dynamically editing a CSV file
- Finding all links in a webpage
- Creating a download link
- Debugging PDO prepared statements
- Time is running out for PHP 5
- Extract values with a format string
- Generate harmonious color tones
- Getting all possible permutations of an array
- Merging arrays
- Strip accents from text
- Export associative arrays from a CSV
- Export spreadsheet data to a multi-table database
- Validate email address with accented characters
- Generating random numbers and strings
- Shorthand conditional expressions
- Modifying each element in an array
- Smart quotes and apostrophes
- Shortest distance between two locations
Taught by
David Powers