Quickly get up and running with Adobe Photoshop. This short introductory course covers the basics, from color correcting photos to creating social media graphics.
- A quick start to Photoshop 2021
- Opening a photo in Photoshop
- What are Photoshop layers?
- Color correcting a photo with Curves
- Using the gray-point eyedropper
- Save a PSD
- Export a JPG
- Making a selection with the Quick Selection tool
- Applying a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer to the selection
- Adjust brightness with a Levels adjustment layer
- Levels adjustment layer explained
- Refine mask edges with Select and Mask and the Brush tool
- Using machine learning technology to create a layer mask
- Remove a foreground element with Content-Aware Fill
- Convert a layer to a Smart Object
- Apply Tilt-Shift Blur filter to blur the background
- Fix mask imperfections
- Apply global adjustments with Camera Raw
- Create a new blank Photoshop document
- Create a background with solid fill and pattern fill layers
- Import an image into Photoshop using the Place command
- Use a clipping mask to place a photo inside a vector shape
- Blending layers together with blending modes
- Organize layers with groups
- Add vector shapes
- Create text in Photoshop
- Apply creative effects with layer styles
- What is the banana tool in Photoshop?
- Final thoughts
Taught by
Tim Grey