Review critical Java concepts-and commonly-asked interview questions-to ensure that you approach your Java interviews with confidence.
- The secret to nailing your Java interview
- Understand types of interview questions
- Get ready for your technical interview
- What's the Java Virtual Machine?
- What's the JDK and JRE?
- What are classes, instances, and constructors?
- What's the difference between static and non-static methods?
- How is scope used in Java?
- How do you access modifiers restrict scope?
- Understand the impact of Jigsaw
- Use optionals to avoid NullPointerExceptions
- Create Lambdas to pass functionality as data
- Use the Streams API to process collections
- Discuss the pros and cons of local variable type inference
- Leverage new switch expressions
- Concatenate strings with different methods
- Normalize string input
- Access data from strings
- Apply string functions in technical interviews
- Understand string equality
- Challenge: Developing a palindrome checker
- Solution: Developing a palindrome checker
- Challenge: Counting characters with string manipulation
- Solution: Counting characters with string manipulation
- Review arrays for technical interviews
- Challenge: Maximum product of two numbers
- Solution: Maximum product of two numbers
- Mastering linked lists for whiteboard coding interviews
- Challenge: Delete the middle of a singly-linked list
- Solution: Delete the middle of a singly-linked list
- Leveraging stacks as a data structure
- Using queues in technical interviews
- Mastering hash-based structures
- Challenge: Generate binary numbers
- Solution: Generate binary numbers
- Challenge: Matching parentheses
- Solution: Matching parentheses
- Challenge: Find most repeated word
- Solution: Find most repeated word
- Mastering abstraction for technical interviews
- Add encapsulation to your programs to impress interviewers
- Leveraging inheritance in your technical interview solutions
- Use polymorphism to reduce complexity in coding interviews
- Mastering polymorphism with a deeper look at Java
- Good luck in your interview
Taught by
Kathryn Hodge