Learn principles of room acoustics and hands-on techniques for getting the best sound from your music studio for the least cost and effort.
- Welcome
- A typical musician's needs
- Personal studio parameters
- What won't work
- The two basic isolation principles
- Increasing your isolation by adding mass
- Increasing your isolation by decreasing leakage
- Room dimensions, standing waves, and modes
- The curse of low ceilings
- The room's reverb time
- A look at absorption
- The reflection-free zone
- The idea behind acoustic panels
- Bass trap overview
- Diffuser overview
- Purchasing general building supplies
- Purchasing acoustic materials
- Making your own acoustic panels
- Making your own bass traps
- Making your own diffusers
- Determining your listening position
- Creating the reflection-free zone
- Treating the floor and ceiling
- Acoustic panel placement
- Installing the acoustic panels
- Treating the corners
- Treating the windows
- Treating the doors
- Treating the front and rear walls
- A simple HVAC solution
- Buying premade acoustic treatment
- Buying a premade vocal booth
- Goodbye
Taught by
Bobby Owsinski