Explore key animation principles and how they can be applied to create dynamic animation and motion graphic projects in Adobe After Effects.
- Welcome
- Course structure
- Creating solid and convincing drawings
- Making engaging animations
- Using staging to focus the viewer's attention
- Creating a sense of anticipation
- Giving objects motivation
- Straight to pose animation
- Sudden changes with hold keyframes
- Adding gravity in the speed graph
- Creating a bounce in the value graph
- Applying directional force
- Using Auto Bezier to create a smooth arc
- Resistance and timing in the Graph Editor
- Add character with squash and stretch
- Follow-through and secondary action
- Adding emphasis with exaggeration
- Pushing past the pose to create dynamic excitement
- Goodbye
Taught by
Angie Taylor
5.0 rating, based on 1 Class Central review
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This course is very important to every motion designer , I want learning any course about the graphics let us learning it.