Render professional quality product shots in Maya. Learn about shading, lighting, rendering, and compositing for product visualization in Autodesk Maya and Adobe After Effects.
- Welcome
- What you need to know
- Using the exercise files
- Setting preferences and interface options
- Importing a CAD model
- Cleaning up the model
- Renaming objects
- Building a hierarchy
- Managing display layers
- Modeling a background cyclorama profile curve
- Extruding a cyclorama surface
- Creating a camera
- Setting aspect ratio and framing the shot
- Image-based lighting with a Skydome map
- Arnold settings for real-time rendering
- Rendering on the GPU
- Applying Arnold Standard Surface materials
- Adjusting material parameters
- Designing metallic materials
- Assigning materials to shape nodes in a hierarchy
- Art directing advanced material parameters
- Projecting UV coordinates
- Mapping with a file texture
- Layering materials with aiLayerShader
- Assigning materials to faces
- Flood lighting with Arnold area lights
- Directing flood lighting
- Studio lighting with a spot light
- Attenuation over distance with the Decay filter
- Accentuating object edges with rim lights
- Excluding lights and shadows
- Controlling visibility of light shading components
- Setting up file output options for AOVs
- Creating AOVs for render component passes
- Creating light groups
- Rendering components of light groups
- Optimizing Arnold render settings for production
- Choosing After Effects color management settings
- Layering render components
- Adjusting lighting in post-production
- Creating an orthographic camera
- Framing an isometric view
- Rendering a technical illustration
- Adjusting contours
- Adding glow effects
- Next steps
Taught by
Aaron F. Ross