Discover how to optimize web development with webpack 4, the versatile module bundler. Learn how to set up, configure loaders, and use plugins.
- Bundle JavaScript modules with webpack 4
- What you should know
- What is webpack?
- What's new in webpack 4?
- Install webpack
- Run webpack
- Run the build with webpack.config
- Using npm build scripts
- What is a loader?
- Set up babel-loader for a React or ES6 project
- Using @babel/preset-env
- Using @babel/preset-react
- Load CSS with webpack
- Load images with webpack
- Using the webpack-dev-server
- What is code splitting?
- Add multiple entry points
- Optimize with SplitChunks
- Using the HtmlWebpackPlugin
- Prepare code for production
- Next steps
Taught by
Eve Porcello