How do you get elearning content into your LMS? Find out how to bridge the gap with SCORM and the Tin Can API.
- Welcome
- What you should know before watching this course
- Using the exercise files
- What is a learning management system (LMS)?
- What is SCORM?
- Why is SCORM important?
- The history of SCORM
- A look at how SCORM works
- Publishing to an LMS with Adobe Captivate
- Publishing to an LMS with Articulate Storyline 2
- Publishing to an LMS with Lectora Inspire
- Publishing to an LMS with Camtasia
- Including graded interactions
- Handling lessons for credit vs. not for credit
- Reporting scores to be SCORM-compliant
- Handling mastery-score scenarios
- Defining Tin Can and Experience API, or xAPI
- How does Experience API differ from SCORM?
- Understanding LRS vs. LMS
- The four components of the ADL vision
- Next steps
Taught by
David Rivers