Learn how color works inside digital images, and get the basic skills you need to evaluate histograms, correct color, make creative image adjustments, and prepare images for output.
- Welcome
- Understanding the scope of this course
- Using the exercise files
- What is color correction?
- Color correction vs. creative image adjustment
- Understanding when to correct photos
- Comparing RGB and CMYK color modes
- Assigning color profile spaces
- Using grayscales and neutrals for color correction
- Working with skin tones
- Understanding file format options
- Using Photoshop, Camera Raw, Bridge, and Lightroom in the color workflow
- Working with Bridge for image management
- Identifying the Photoshop color workflow for this course
- Understanding pixels as the building blocks of an image
- No such thing as color images
- Understanding bit depth and grayscale
- Understanding the histogram's display of "color"
- Neutralizing an image
- Arranging the Photoshop workspace
- Choosing nondestructive editing tools
- Introducing color tools
- Navigating in an image
- Adjusting dimensions, resolution, and modes
- Straightening an image
- Cropping an image
- Finding and evaluating patterns: Noise, posterization, and screens
- Using histograms
- Identifying and removing color casts
- Evaluating and correcting highlights in a landscape
- Adding saturated postcard-style color enhancements
- Finding and correcting neutrals
- Evaluating skin tones and making basic corrections
- Identifying neutrals and color casts
- Retouching an image
- Sharpening an image
- Understanding color spaces, profiles, and gamuts for output
- Exporting an image for print
- Exporting an image for use on the web and for presentations
- Cropping and straightening
- Evaluating the image
- Performing curves adjustments
- Retouching and sharpening
- Preparing for print and web use
- Getting started in the Camera Raw interface
- Evaluating the image in Camera Raw
- Making temperature adjustments in Camera Raw
- Performing curve corrections in Camera Raw
- Retouching and sharpening in Camera Raw
- Exporting
- Next steps
Taught by
Taz Tally