Learn how to monetize songwriting by licensing your music. Learn what writing and recording you own, how income is generated, and how to strategically pitch your compositions.
- Welcome
- Music licensing and publishing
- Getting your music heard
- It’s all about the song
- The players and gatekeepers in licensing
- The buyers
- Working alone or as a team?
- How income is generated in music licensing
- Know your rights
- What does one own when writing and recording?
- Metadata
- Uploading your songs
- Your target
- Registering your songs
- Creating your story
- Research the buyer
- Educate yourself and strategize
- How to present yourself
- Proper song edits, coding, and resolution
- Quote requests
- Master use and sync licensing agreements
- Invoice
- Getting paid
- Broadcasting your success
- Next steps
Taught by
Jake Versluis