Get started with MongoDB. Learn how to use the popular nonrelational database to power your full-stack development workflow.
- Modern database and application design with MongoDB
- Why MongoDB?
- MongoDB vs. relational databases
- Using the exercise files for this course
- Getting started with GitHub Codespaces
- Install MongoDB on Windows
- Install MongoDB on macOS
- Importing example data
- Create a document
- Using .find() to query documents
- What can you store in a document?
- Collections
- Challenge: Create a recipe document
- Solution: Create a recipe document
- Sort, limit, and skip
- Working with operators and arrays
- Updating documents
- Updating arrays
- Deleting documents
- Challenge: Write a query
- Solution: Write a query
- The MongoDB Shell
- How you need to think differently
- Basic indexes
- Using different collection types
- Challenge: Avoiding joins
- Solution: Avoiding joins
- Python
- Node.js
- Golang
- How to use GridFS to store files
- MongoDB config file
- Replication
- Sharding
- Authentication and authorization
- Backups
- Wrapping up
Taught by
Justin Jenkins