Use Arturia Modular V—a realistic emulation of the original Moog modular synths of the 1960s and 1970s—to "patch" a modular synth to create your own sounds.
- Welcome
- Fundamental concept: Harmonics and sound
- Installation and initialization
- The user interface
- Creating your first patch
- Using multiple oscillators (VCOs)
- The basic analog waveforms
- The classic low-pass filter (LP VCF)
- Attack/decay/sustain/release (ADSR) envelopes
- The high-pass filter (HP VCF)
- Using the Filter Coupler (band pass and reject modes)
- The 2-pole multimode filter
- Low-frequency oscillator (LFO) wave shapes
- Pulse-width modulation (PWM)
- Tremolo with LFO delay and fade-in
- Controlling the LFO with the mod wheel
- Adding vibrato
- Oscillator sync
- Frequency modulation (FM)
- FM drum sounds
- Modulating the filter
- Amplitude and ring modulation (AM)
- The Fixed Filter Bank
- The formant filter
- Adding noise
- Sample and hold (S-H)
- Trigger delay
- Dual audio delay
- The chorus effect
- 12-stage phaser
- Exploring further
Taught by
Chris Meyer