Learn how to effectively leverage Google Tag Manager. Discover how to work with accounts, use the Google Analytics built-in tags, fire events using triggers, and more.
- Use Google Tag Manager (GTM) for all your web code tags
- Why is GTM so useful?
- Understanding the GTM hierarchy
- Server-side vs. client-side tags explained
- How to configure permissions and security in GTM
- Create an account and container for GTM
- Install your first GTM container
- How to install Google Tag Manager in WordPress
- Efficiency bonus: Google Analytics built-in tags
- Installing third-party built-in tags for GTM
- Understanding basic variables in GTM
- Implementing built in variables for GTM
- Create custom variables in GTM
- Dynamic variables in GTM
- Injecting custom JavaScript into GTM variables
- Understanding triggers
- Fire Google Analytics events using triggers
- Introduction to the debugger: Preview mode
- Improved debugging and previewing with the Chrome extension
- Create versions and view publishing history in GTM
- Import and export configurations in GTM
- Understanding and using custom HTML tags
- Best practices for custom HTML tags in GTM
- Next steps in learning Google Tag Manager
Taught by
Corey Koberg