Get an introduction to Bentley MicroStation. Learn how to complete simple 2D drawing projects, edit graphics, reference title blocks, and generate a plot of the final results.
- Welcome to MicroStation V8i 2D
- Using the exercise files
- What is a workspace?
- Taming the mouse
- Using pulldown menus
- Locating the toolboxes
- Using the Task Navigator
- Using the Tool Settings dialogue
- Using Position Mapping
- Using the Key-in browser
- Understanding the status bar
- Using right-click menus
- Using docking
- Using tools and commands
- Using views and view controls
- User preferences
- Using the Help menu
- File type basics
- Opening and saving files
- Understanding units and design file settings
- Placing linear elements
- Placing shapes
- Placing circles and arcs
- Drawing with attributes
- Using the Copy and Move commands
- Looking at the Copy and Move Parallel commands
- Using the Scale Element command
- Using the Rotate Element command
- Working with the Stretch command
- Aligning elements by edge
- Manipulating the attribute of an element
- Looking at the Modify commands
- Using the Extend Elements command
- Using the Trim Elements command
- Basics of AccuSnap
- Basics of AccuDraw
- Using view alignment in AccuDraw
- Using the Repeat Distance Indicator in AccuDraw
- Using the Origin shortcut
- Working with Smart Lock
- Using the Rotate Element shortcut
- Using the Accudraw Calculator
- Using Element Selection
- Selecting elements graphically
- Using Levels and Level Filters
- Using level symbology
- Using cell libraries
- Placing graphic cells
- Using Text
- Using Dimensions
- Reference File Manager
- Setting up reference files
- Printing to PDF
- Next steps
Taught by
Jeanne Aarhus