Learn about the fundamental principles of automation, including tasks that are ideal for automating and hands-on demos of several tasks.
- Understanding Azure automation
- What you should know
- Introduction to Azure Automation
- Azure Automation Capabilities and Core Features
- Why should we trust Azure Automation?
- Create the Automation account
- Understanding the cross-service automation
- Cross-service automation process flow
- Configuring Virtual Network and network security group
- Configuring Storage account
- Understanding Excel file structure
- Creating the managed identity for the service
- Configuring the Automation account
- Creating PowerShell runbooks for VM creation
- Configuring Event Grid to trigger VM creation process
- Understanding Update Management using Azure Automation
- Configuring Log Analytics workspace
- Adding virtual machines to Update Management
- Automation Desired State Configuration (DSC)
- Benefits of Azure Automation State configuration
- PowerShell DSC deployment models
- Onboarding machines for management by Automation DSC
- Configuring DSC and onboarding VMs
- Automation DSC reporting
- DSC reporting integration with Azure Monitor Logs
- Azure Automation resources
- Learning more about Azure Automation
Taught by
Neeraj Kumar