Learn to use the three.js JavaScript library to create 3D graphics for the web.
- Welcome
- What you should know
- Using the exercise files
- Introduction to three.js
- Set up the environment
- Scene essentials
- Populate the scene
- Create a ground plane
- Three.js objects
- requestAnimationFrame() function
- Other Object3D properties
- Adding fog to the scene
- Lighting in three.js
- Light types
- dat.GUI
- Orbit controls
- Shadows
- Add more objects to the scene
- SpotLight
- DirectionalLight
- AmbientLight
- RectAreaLight
- Random() function
- Math.sin() and Math.cos()
- Add noise
- Camera
- Animation rig
- Animation rig, part 2
- Tween.js
- MeshBasicMaterial
- MeshLambertMaterial and MeshPhongMaterial
- MeshStandardMaterial
- Texture maps
- Roughness maps
- Environment maps
- Primitive geometries
- Manipulating vertices
- External geometries
- Creating a particle system
- Animating the particle system
- Particle system from geometry
- Stats.js
- Post-processing
- EffectComposer
- Other shaders
- Next steps
Taught by
Engin Arslan