Find new and interesting ways to display your site content with Joomla!, the open-source CMS, and these tutorials from Jen Kramer.
- Welcome
- Using the exercise files
- Using the challenges
- Planning your website
- Joomla Updates
- Using the jump-in files to restore the site from a backup
- A quick tour of the Joomla! interface
- Exploring responsive design and mobile compatibility in Joomla!
- Modifying Global Configuration
- Using the Media Manager
- Creating content in Joomla!
- Creating and editing categories for your site
- Publishing, unpublishing, and trashing categories
- Designing and implementing category structure
- Creating and editing individual articles
- Exploring the Featured Article setting
- Adding formatting options in TinyMCE and formatting an article
- Adding an external link
- Adding an internal link
- Adding article images
- Adding captions to article images
- Using Read More
- Publishing, unpublishing, and trashing articles
- Challenge: Creating and formatting articles
- Solution: Creating and formatting articles
- Understanding and configuring menus
- Linking an article to the menu
- Understanding parent and child menu items
- Reordering menu items
- Publishing, unpublishing, and trashing menu items
- Configuring horizontal main navigation and vertical secondary navigation
- Dividing and formatting long articles, using page breaks and the Pagebreak plugin
- Using article-specific images and links
- Content versioning
- Tagging
- Customizing which HTML tags are permitted, by changing the text filters in Joomla! and in TinyMCE
- Adding a YouTube video to an article
- Configuring category blogs
- Advanced category-blog configuration
- Configuring category lists
- Advanced category-list configuration
- Creating a featured blog on the homepage
- Creating a new menu and displaying the menu in the footer
- Creating menu aliases
- Configuring a dropdown menu
- "Hidden" menus: Linking to an article that's not on a menu
- Challenge: Create a testimonials page with tags
- Solution: Create a testimonials page with tags
- Setting global configuration options for articles
- Setting menu options
- Comparing page headings, article titles, and browser page titles
- Configuring the back-end and front-end administrator screens and options
- Challenge: Turning off the homepage heading
- Solution: Turning off the homepage heading
- Touring the updated Joomla interface
- Understanding Joomla collection of anonymous data
- Drag and drop images with TinyMCE
- Creating categories inside of articles
- Creating articles inside of the menu
- Creating new custom fields
- Creating custom field groups
- Goodbye and next steps
Taught by
Jen Kramer