Learn the Adobe XD skills you need to become a graphic designer. Discover how to apply this powerful UI/UX design tool in real-world situations as you create a sample project.
- Intro to graphic design: Adobe XD
- About the course project
- Optional plugins
- XD on Windows
- Adobe XD quick start tour
- Creating the document
- Choosing colors for the project
- Testing colors for accessibility
- Choosing fonts for the project
- Creating the screens
- Creating the launch page
- Creating the login screen
- Adding the login element
- Creating the navigation
- Adding UI components
- Drawing UI components
- Creating the menu page
- Creating the gallery page
- Creating a gallery item
- Using Repeat Grid
- Creating the map page
- Creating the user page
- Challenge: Comparing user experiences
- Wiring the prototype
- Testing the prototype
- Making design changes
- Resolving errors
- Next steps
Taught by
Tony Harmer