Get acquainted with Kotlin—the concise, fun language that is supported by Google as an Android development language. Learn about its efficiencies and power in Android development.
- Welcome
- What you should know
- Using the exercise files
- Review the starting app
- What Kotlin has to offer
- Benefits of Kotlin on Android
- Quick look at syntax
- Review nullability
- Understanding lambdas
- Working with extensions
- Create an extension function
- Access extension functions from Java
- Common Android extension functions
- Kotlin Android Extensions overview
- Kotlin Android Extensions advanced
- Anko overview
- Anko commons: Basics
- Anko commons: Design and support.v4
- Anko layouts: Basics
- Anko layouts: Create a custom component
- Anko layouts: Style component views
- Anko layouts: Use a custom component
- Anko layouts: Listeners
- Anko layouts: Anko Support plugin
- Coroutines overview
- Anko coroutines: Launch basics
- Anko coroutines: Launch advanced
- Anko coroutines: Async
- Anko coroutines: Listeners
- Anko coroutines: Suspending functions
- Nullability and collections
- Read-only and mutable collections
- Arrays
- Collection operators: Filtering
- Collection operators: Mapping
- Collection operators: Aggregating
- Next steps
Taught by
Annyce Davis