Get up to speed with the latest features in Illustrator CC. Check back for new videos every time Adobe releases an update.
Illustrator has been undergoing another transformation as part of Creative Cloud 2015. The top new features include GPU performance enhancements, data recovery, enhanced Shape Builder and Curvature tools, and multiple smaller improvements that make Illustrator more exciting to work with than ever before. Justin Seeley walks you through all these features and will update the course every time Adobe releases changes to Illustrator.
Check back often for new videos!
Illustrator has been undergoing another transformation as part of Creative Cloud 2015. The top new features include GPU performance enhancements, data recovery, enhanced Shape Builder and Curvature tools, and multiple smaller improvements that make Illustrator more exciting to work with than ever before. Justin Seeley walks you through all these features and will update the course every time Adobe releases changes to Illustrator.
Check back often for new videos!