Discover Houdini, a leading package for procedural 3D content creation. Learn about core geometry and animation concepts, lighting, shading and rendering techniques, and more.
- Welcome
- What you need to know
- Exercise files
- Navigation
- Viewport and display modes
- Panes
- Desktops
- Preferences
- Display options and visualizers
- Global animation options
- Nomenclature
- Network view
- Node flags
- Geometry spreadsheet
- Tree view
- Shelf Tools
- Object vs. suface context
- Geometry types
- Viewing standard attributes
- Selection
- Grid and snapping
- Basic box up modeling
- Polysplit and edge loops
- Clip and mirror
- Polybevel and divide
- Curve SOP
- UV unwrap
- Creating groups
- Creating attributes
- Copy SOP
- Copy SOP with template attributes
- Copy SOP with stamping
- Packed feometry
- Geometry with VDBs
- Subnetworks
- Caching geometry
- Export Alembic
- Import Alembic
- Keyframes
- Animation editor
- CHOP networks
- Expressions in parameters
- Noise and filtering
- Copy stamp channels
- Apply copy stamp channels
- Channel SOP
- Importing animation into CHOPS
- Cache animation data
- Cameras
- Flipbooks
- Mplay
- IPR rendering
- Basic mantra settings
- Mantra quality settings
- Render passes, AOV
- Open GL ROP
- Geometry ROP
- Alembic ROP
- Assigning materials
- Principled shader
- Using textures
- Displacement
- Basic custom shader
- Subdivision settings
- Light types: Point and spot
- Light types: Distant
- Light types: Area
- Light types: Environment and HDR
- Sun and sky lighting
- Light bank and light linking
- Rigid body dynamics setup
- Adding objects to the simulation
- Changing dynamic object types
- Collision geometry fundamentals
- Refining dynamics network
- RBD active node
- Caching simulation results
- Applying lo-res sim to hi-res geometry
- Wire simulation setup
- Refining wire simulation
- Deforming geometry with wires
- Creating velocity attribute on objects
- Emitting particles from objects
- Emitting particles from attributes
- Refining particle simulation
- Caching particles
- Post-simulation color modification
- Rendering particles
- Emitting smoke from an object
- Refining smoke simulation
- Key fluid simulation nodes
- Caching output
- Pyro Shader
- Render scene overview
- Compositing layers
- Rendering output
- Next steps
Taught by
Scott Pagano