Learn how to use Git as a system administrator. Get real-world strategies for managing and tracking operating system configuration files with Git.
- System administration with Git
- What you will need
- What is version control?
- How does Git differ?
- Why use Git for system administration?
- Installing Git on Fedora/CentOS
- Installing Git from source on Linux
- Installing Git on Windows
- Installing Git on macOS X
- Configuring Git
- Creating a local repository
- Committing and adding files
- Analyzing Git commit history
- Ignoring files
- Rolling back changes
- Why branch?
- Creating branches
- Comparing, renaming, and deleting branches
- Merging branches
- Creating a GitHub repository
- Cloning a remote GitHub repository
- Getting and pushing to a remote repository
- Create a remote Git repository
- Using SSH keys for authentication
- Strategies for managing system files
- Manage Linux system config files with etckeeper
- Manage specific user directories
- Manage Apache web document files
- Third-party Git tools and extras
- Use a configuration management system with Git
- Next steps
Taught by
Grant McWilliams