Learn how the Microsoft 365 suite can help optimize your productivity in your personal and professional life.
- Intro to digital productivity
- Using templates
- Applying styles
- Changing margins
- Creating a PDF
- Printing documents
- Creating and formatting tables
- Using the SUM function
- Sorting data in a table
- Creating a chart to display data
- Managing your worksheets
- Managing and editing data
- Creating a notebook
- Creating and duplicating pages
- Adding links
- Creating an email signature
- Sending and receiving attachments
- Searching and filtering email
- Creating a presentation
- Using design ideas
- Applying a slide layout
- Adding and formatting text
- Adding and editing pictures
- Unlocking digital productivity
Taught by
David Rivers, Nicholas Brazzi, David Rivers, Garrick Chow, Jess Stratton, Jess Stratton, Gini von Courter, Nicholas Brazzi, David Rivers, Heather Severino and Nicholas Brazzi
4.0 rating, based on 1 Class Central review
4.7 rating at LinkedIn Learning based on 2870 ratings
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I completed the course in just a few minutes, and honestly it's a good basis for applications. There were things I already knew but some I learned throughout the videos.
It was a practical and quick way to understand without being massive and exhausting to listen and understand. Obviously it would be better if you there were some questions or even mini tests for complete understanding.
Thank you for the quick and practical course that was shown to me and how something basic can show me things I didn't already know.