Work smarter in Fusion 360 by working with the software's generative design tools. Learn to create a generative study for a model, generate solutions, and assess the results.
- Generative Design: The evolution of computer aided design
- What you should know
- Generative design vs. shape optimization
- Cost and options
- Starting a new generative study
- Creating interface geometry
- Selecting the geometry to preserve
- Editing a model and creating geometry in the study
- Defining obstacles
- Setting the design conditions
- Defining the design criteria
- Setting the materials for the study
- Start generating a solution
- Use filters to review outcome options
- Compare the best outcomes
- Export the results
- Modify the exported outcome
- Examine new design using FEA
- Clone an existing study
- Using a starter shape
- Next steps
Taught by
Thom Tremblay