Take a look at Rust, a systems programming language that specializes in running fast, preventing crashes, and keeping threads safe.
- Welcome
- What you should know
- Installation
- Hello, world!
- Hello, Cargo!
- Variables and mutability
- Scalar data types: Integers
- Scalar data types: Floats
- Compound data types: Tuples
- Compound data types: Arrays
- How functions work
- Return a value from a function
- Control flow: if/else
- Control flow: While loops
- Control flow: For loops
- Ownership principles
- Ownership rules
- Ownership: Memory allocation
- References and borrowing
- Race conditions
- Slices
- Using structs
- Building structs using values
- An example program using structs
- Method syntax
- Enums
- Enums with multiple types
- Pattern matching
- Unrecoverable errors with panic!
- Recoverable errors with Result introduction
- Recoverable errors with Result demonstration
- Getting user input
- Generating a secret number
- Comparing guess to secret number
- Allowing multiple guesses
- Next steps
Taught by
Abhiram Ravikumar