Learn how to efficiently manage and collaborate on media and projects in Adobe Premiere Pro using Productions.
- An introduction to Productions in Premiere Pro
- What you should know before taking this course
- Using the exercise files
- When to use a Production
- Major benefits of Productions
- Meet the Production panel
- Working with shared storage
- Setting up a Production
- Adding and working with projects
- Understanding project locking
- A note about network time
- Options to consider when building a Production
- Adding existing elements to a Production
- Deleting Production elements and managing the trash
- Essential Production settings
- Setting up a media project
- Revealing media files
- Generating new master clips
- Understanding clip names and labels
- Understanding master clip effects
- Understanding clip markers
- Understanding nested sequences
- When to use decentralized collaboration
- Cloning the Production and media
- Exchanging sequences between editors
- Updating and renaming a Production
- Using the project manager with a Production
- Using After Effects and Dynamic Link in Productions
- Next steps
Taught by
Luisa Winters