Get a new Final Cut Pro X technique to help you take full advantage of the array of features offered in this video editing software.
1. Weekly Tips
- Why the Range tool should be your favorite and why to use it more
- It’s all about the color board
- 5 things you should know about Motion 5
- The ultimate short guide to mastering speed effects
- 3 things you should use Compressor for right now
- 5 keyboard shortcuts you should know in FCPX
- Uploading videos to the web
- Setting up workspaces
- AE workflows
- Cool things about the Info panel
- 5 tricks for dealing with the inventible stills montage
- Animation in a hurry: Have no fear, custom text is here
- The least you need to know about After Effects
- Video roles in FCP X
- Three Timeline tricks
- Split edits to elevate your storytelling
- Color Finale for traditional color correction
- Tricks for managing titles
- Perfect slow-mo with HFR
- The power of generators
- Portable proxies
- LUTs and you
- Free Apple sound libraries
- Getting more from the Ken Burns moves
- Storyboards
- Three things about 3D text
- Playhead and skimmer management
- 360VR in Final Cut Pro, part 1
- 360VR in Final Cut Pro, part 2
- Keyframing best secret: Solo animation
- 3D text in Motion
- Smart collections
- Transitions
- RED workflow
- Timelapses, part 1
- Timelapses, part 2
- Setting up a stronger Color Workspace
- Shortcuts for faster color correction in FCPX 10.4
- The Power of Overshoot
- Better LUT Workflows
- Eyedroppers in Curves
- Clip Filtering in the Browser
- Animation Headache Avoided
- SpeedScriber
- A Solution for Charts
- Speeding Up Basic Transforms
- Common Transform Libraries
- Viewing Smarter in the Browser
- TImeline Display Options
- 10 keys we wished more FCP X editors used: Part 1
- 10 keys we wished more FCP X editors used: Part 2
- 3 things to know for working with 360 in FCP X
- 360° Patch
- Finishing the job: Archiving best practices
- Using auditions with color correction
- Using a color chart
- Using Motion color looks in FCP X
- Using the Finder for easy organization
- Flow transition: Hiding jump cuts
- Using Palette Gear with FCP X
- The ultimate reframe: 360 in everyday projects
- Snapshots: Better than duplicates
- Closed captions
- Which ProRes is right for you?
- FCP X in the real world: A sit-down with Kelsey Wilson from the Toronto Star
- Dual displays: Maximize your layouts
- Creating custom clip names in FCP X
- Creating a channel blur in Motion for FCP X
- Tweaking flesh tones
- Text design tips for video editors
- Saving useful effect presets in FCP X
- Audio compression
- Creating great lens flares with mFlare 2
- Voice EQ: Making everyone sound better
- Smarter effects workflows
- The edits not taken
- MacBook Pro: 2014 vs. 2018
- Using cameras and formats
- OS X Finder search secret
- USB-C, T3, and you
- Nodes 2: Incredible motion graphics right inside of FCPX
- Three things to know about taking the dive into FCPX
- CommandPost
- Three great OS X utilities
- Build a custom Final Cut Pro custom template in five steps
- Three hidden compressor tweaks
- Make safe OS X media copies
- Don't hit the panic button: Troubleshooting Final Cut Pro X problems, part 1
- Working with 4K in HD production
- Workflow extensions with Shutterstock
- Don't detach the audio
- Four tips for keying the green out of your screen
- Upgrading safer
- Understanding disk speed
- Beyond Ken Burns: Working with photo cutouts in Apple Motion, part 1
- Automatic color
- Color matching
- External GPUs
- Beyond Ken Burns: Working with photo cutouts in Apple Motion, part 2
- Pair kerning: The secret to professional-looking titles
- Pro Res raw
- Incompatible media for future OS updates
- The future isn't just horizontal
- Audio limiter
- Easing animations
- Three free effects
- Making keyword collections work for you
- Square video
- Video noise reduction
- Hard limiter
- Exploring 3D type options and reflections
- Preparing titles for vertical and square formats
- Odd-sized assets and Spatial Conform
- Stencil and Silhouette
- Working with 180-degree video in Final Cut Pro X
- Two workflow tips for 5.7K footage
- Faking room tone
- Free still and video content sites
- FCPX system performance
- Proxy files for collaborative workflows
- EditReady
Taught by
Jeff I. Greenberg and Nick Harauz