Learn how to use Autodesk Dynamo to work more efficiently in Revit. Find out how to import and manage data, build 3D geometry, and automate common design tasks with Dynamo.
- Automate your BIM workflows with Dynamo
- Exercise files
- What is Dynamo?
- Navigating the UI and node library
- Placing and connecting nodes
- Understanding data types
- Performing math functions
- Using numbers to output other data types
- Creating a list of numbers
- Generating lists with sequence and range
- Using lists of numbers as inputs
- Modifying and analyzing text strings
- Reading data from an Excel spreadsheet
- The basics of managing lists
- The basics of managing nested lists
- Using the List@Level feature
- Working with Excel data in Dynamo
- Writing data to an Excel spreadsheet
- Filtering data
- Sorting data
- Creating points
- Creating lines, polycurves, and polygons
- Creating arcs and NURBS curves
- Using vectors to translate geometry
- Rotate and mirror with vectors and planes
- Creating surfaces and solids
- Creating solids with loft
- Modifying solids
- Analyzing solids
- Analyzing curves
- Analyzing surfaces
- Exporting geometry as SAT and STL
- Accessing Revit geometry and data
- Linking a Dynamo-driven SAT into Revit
- Placing Revit families
- Placing adaptive components
- Setting Revit parameter values
- Creating views and sheets
- Next steps
Taught by
Ian Siegel