Explore the world of documentary storytelling, using various techniques in Adobe Photoshop and After Effects to transform damaged photos into brand-new works of art.
- Welcome
- Using the exercise files
- Adding ratings to images
- Checking focus in a photo
- Using Review mode to check your images
- Batch renaming files
- Resolution requirements for video
- Requirements for panning and scanning
- Using the Place command to size an image
- Doubling an image
- Batch processing with the Image Processor script
- Requirements for video
- Batch converting images
- Removing damage with the Clone Stamp tool
- Removing damage with the Healing Brush tool
- Removing damage with the Patch tool
- Using Content-Aware Scale
- Removing objects with Content-Aware Fill
- Adjusting the focus point by blurring
- Sharpening an image
- Creating a Lens Blur effect
- Adding a vignette
- Correcting alignment
- Cropping for composition
- Cropping with a document
- Restoring contrast with Levels
- Shadow/Highlight effect
- Restoring contrast with Curves
- Adding a sepia-tone or duotone effect with gradient maps
- Using layer styles for a consistent effect
- Why use After Effects?
- Importing image files
- Organizing images with folders
- Creating compositions
- Essential animation controls
- Using ease and keyframe assistants
- Adding vignettes in After Effects
- Rendering the animation
- Creating render presets for consistent exports
- Saving time with batch rendering
- Using After Effects projects natively in Premiere Pro
- Next steps
Taught by
Richard Harrington