Get started using common commands in Docker with tips and tricks for adding Docker to Java Build Pipelines.
- Zero to Zero to Hero
- What you should know
- Imagine building and launching a Java app without Java
- Installing Docker Desktop
- Building, deploying, and launching the Java app
- Scaffolding Java applications with Docker
- Understanding containerization
- Comparing images to containers
- Writing Dockerfiles
- Discover the Docker CLI
- Learn Dockerfile instructions
- Convert code to a Docker image
- Challenge: Modify Dockerfile to remove
- Solution: Modify Dockerfile to remove
- Layering in Docker images
- Building multistage Docker images
- Specify volumes and ports
- Docker registry
- Container orchestration with Docker Compose
- Ditching the Dockerfile
- Cloud Native Buildpacks
- Spring Boot Docker plugin
- The Google Jib plugin
- Next steps
Taught by
Arun Gupta