Learn how to create replacements parts for household appliances, furniture, and more with Tinkercad and a desktop 3D printer.
- Welcome
- What if I don't have a 3D printer?
- Thinking in 3D
- Measuring with calipers
- Introducing Tinkercad
- Working with shapes
- Using Shape Generators
- Grouping and aligning
- Using the workplane
- Creating holes
- Creating complex shapes
- Exporting your design
- Plating and printing
- Design for manufacturability
- Critiquing our design
- Design rules: Avoid overhangs
- Design rules: Planning for thread width
- Iterating with Cut, Copy, and Paste
- Splitting the design into two pieces
- Adjust shapes with Ungroup
- Brainstorm and next steps
Taught by
Kacie Hultgren