Learn about graph databases, and how they can help you understand connected data, using Neo4j.
- Navigating the world of connected data
- What are graph databases
- Types of graph structures for data
- Why graph databases?
- Good graph database use cases and bad graph database use cases
- Introducing Neo4j: A property graph database
- Challenge: Is this a connected data problem?
- Solution: Is this a connected data problem?
- Anatomy of a property graph
- Getting up and running with Neo4j
- Hello, world!
- Introducing Cypher
- Challenge: Your first Cypher queries
- Solution: Your first Cypher queries
- Introducing the course data set
- MATCHing nodes
- MATCHing nodes and relationships
- Counting and aggregating data
- Beyond one hop
- Challenge: Time to answer some questions
- Solution: Time to answer some questions
- CREATEing your data
- Updating and REMOVEing your data
- DELETEing your data
- Challenge: Putting it all together
- Solution: Putting it all together
- What's next?
Taught by
William Lyon