Discover the top five skills to know in Microsoft SQL Server to manage data-driven insights more efficiently for your business.
- Why learn SQL today?
- What you should know
- Solving a crime with SQL
- Data analysis: First steps
- SQL core concepts: Data types, tables, columns, and records
- First query: Comments, aliases, and sorting
- Adding criteria to SQL queries
- Second query: WHERE clause, operators, date, and texts
- Query composition: More operators for refining results
- Third query: Operators and context understanding
- Logical deduction by observing results
- Crime-solving SQL analysis recap
- Examining the evidence in related tables
- Fourth query breakdown: BETWEEN operator and date ranges
- Finding supporting evidence to align objectives
- Fifth query breakdown: Using the IN and AND operators
- Solving the case with data-driven insights
- Continue enhancing your SQL data-driven skills
Taught by
Walter Shields